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Park Urges Review of Measure HLA's Citywide Consequences

Posted on 02/09/2024
People cycling on the street

Story Highlights

Councilwoman Traci Park Introduces Key Motion: Park calls on city departments to assess the effects of the Healthy Streets Los Angeles Ballot Measure, known as Measure HLA, ahead of the 2024 Primary Election.

Measure HLA Aims for Safer Streets: If approved, Measure HLA will require Los Angeles to incorporate the City’s Mobility Plan 2035 into street and sidewalk projects longer than 660 feet, potentially transforming the city's transportation infrastructure.

Concerns Over Funding and Implementation: Park emphasizes the need to understand the financial and structural impacts of Measure HLA, citing the city's uncertain fiscal future and the importance of preparing for roadway design changes. 

Comprehensive Assessment Requested: Park's motion seeks detailed reports on Measure HLA's impact on street resurfacing schedules, potential traffic changes, community outreach plans, funding strategies, and compliance with safety codes.

Read the rest of the story here.
